İz Öztat and Fatma Belkıs' co-production Will Flow Free at the exhibition Mahsul Vakaları [Yield Events] at Bayetav Sanat (27/04/2024)

Readdressing relations with the world, Mahsul Vakaları [Yield Events], opens at Bayetav Sanat as an exhibition and a public program based on a series of multispecies collaborations and comraderies between April 27 and September 22, 2024.

Mahsul Vakaları is the yield (mahsul) of the Mahsul Projesi [Project Yield], which investigates the environmental, cultural, and social yields of rural modernisation in the Southern and Western shores of Anatolia. Starting in Çukurova, the project continues its journey in İzmir. While being nourished by forays to geographical locales, archival visits, interviews and recordings since the summer of 2022, Mahsul simultaneously offers an expanding online archive. Mahsul, whose İzmir stop is supported by BAYETAV Research Fellowship, approaches ecology as a mobile, multi-layered mesh connected through manifold relationships with organic and inorganic entities. Together with Mahsul Vakaları, the Mahsul Projesi invites us to think of the mobilities today by remembering the stories from this geography, reiterating them and imagining earthly companionships. The exhibition features the work Will Flow Free (2015) by İz Öztat and Fatma Belkıs.

Please click here for more information. 

Image: İz Öztat and Fatma Belkıs, Will Flow Free / Who Carries The Water, 2015, Wood-printed naturally-dyed muslin, Dedicated to the public domain